Date: July 3
Celebration: Cantonizing of Santo Domingo de los Colorados
Place: Pichincha, Ecuador
Date: July 5
Celebration: Independence Day
Place: Venezuela
Date: 2nd week of July (15 16)
Celebration: Our Lady of Carmen
Place: Paucartambo, Peru
Date: July 15 - 20
Celebration: Festival of Amazon Brotherhood
Place: Leticia, Colombia
Date: July 16
Celebration: Our Lady of Carmen
Place: Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador
Date: July 16
Celebration: The Carmen
Place: Bolivia
Date: July 21 - 29
Celebration:Founding of the city of Caracas Place: Caracas, Venezuela
Date: July 24
Celebration: Birthday of the Libertador Simón Bolívar and anniversary of the Naval Battle of the Lake
Place: Venezuela
Date: July 25
Celebration: Saint James the Apostles Day
Place: La Paz, Bolivia
Date: July 25
Celebration: Feast of the Chagra in Machachi
Place: Pichincha, Ecuador
Date: July 26 - 30
Celebration: Feast of Yawar
Place: Cotabambas, Peru
Date: July 28 - 29
Celebration:National Independence Day
Place: Peru
Date: July 31
Celebration: Saint Ignatius Day
Place: Bolivia
Date: July
Celebration:Feast of the Blacks
Place: La Paz, Bolivia
Celebration: Festivities commemorating the founding of Guayaquil
Place: Guayas, Ecuador
Date: July
Celebration: Admission to the University
Place: La Paz, Bolivia
Date: July/August
Celebration: International Renaissance and Baroque Music Festival
Place: Bolivia
Date: August 1 - 10
Celebration: Flower Fair
Place: Medellín, Colombia
Date: August 5
Celebration: Independence of Esmeraldas
Place: Esmeraldas
Date: August 5
Celebration: Feast of the Virgin
Place: La Paz, Bolivia
Date: August 7
Celebration: Our Lady of the Snow
Place: Sicalpa, Chimborazo, Ecuador
Date: August 7
Celebration: Festival of the Guabina and the Tiple
Place: Vlélez, Colombia
Date: August 10
Celebration:First Shout of Independence
Place: Ecuador
Date: August 14
Celebration: Our Lady of Sorrows
Place: Chota Valley, Ecuador
Date: August 14 - 18
Celebration:Feast of the Sea
Place: Santa Marta, Colombia
Date: August 15
Celebration:Beginning of the procession Our Lady of the Swan
Place: Loja, Ecuador
Date: August 15, 15 and 17*
Celebration: Feast of Our Lady of Urkupiña
Place: Cochabamba, Quillacollo, Bolivia
Date: August 15 - 19
Celebration: Festival of the Dividivi
Place: Riohacha, Colombia
Date: August 15 to 21
Celebration: Fair of Our Lady of Consolation
Place: Táriba, Venezuela
Date: August 16
Celebration: Saint Jacintos Day
Place: Yaguachi, Ecuador
Date: August 24
Celebration: Saint Bartholomews Day
Place: La Paz, Bolivia
Date: August 24*
Celebration: Chutillos
Place: Potosí, Bolivia
Date: August 25
Celebration: Prawn Fair
Place: Santa Rosa, Ecuador
Date: August 26 - 31
Celebration: Harvest Festival
Place: Pereira, Colombia
Date: last week of August
Celebration:Orinoco Fair
Place: Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela
Date: August 30
Celebration: Saint Rose of Limas Day
Place: City of Lima, Peru
Date: August
Celebration: Pachamama (Mother Earth)
Place: La Paz, Bolivia