Andean-Communities |
Papangu Tour. - it is
a tour operator of the indigenous communities of Pastaza in association
with the OPIP (Organization of Indigenous Towns of Pastaza)
Community of Manta Real. - it
is an eco-tourism operation, located in the lower part of the Molleturo
Forest in the province of Azuay. For more information.
of Yunguilla.- located
an hour away from Quito, in the high basin of the River Guallabamba,
between the Geo-botanic Reservation Pululahua and the Reservation
FENOCIN. - The National
Confederation of Peasant, Natives and Black Organizations - FENOCIN-
is an organization of fifth degree, intercultural and interregional,
with a gender and generational focus, whose purpose is to propose and
to impel development alternatives to improve the conditions of life
in the countryside
FOCIFCH. - The Federation
of Indigenous Organizations of the Chimborazo Slopes, " FOCIFCH",
shares territories pertaining to the cities of Guano and Riobamba and
the parishes of San Andrés and San Juan.